Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Surrender Now

Surrender Now

  To surrender you must have an idea at least where to surrender, a point of reference, and an idea of when to do it.

 It can only happen in the present moment, not in the past, not in the future. 

 The Conditions for surrender are  called despair, suffering, fear, anxiety, loneliness loss, pain, confusion, and most importantly a sense of no way out, no plan b. and this is not negotiable.

 Why would you surrender when you are happy and peaceful? Or when "things are going your way, or you believe you have a bright future?

 Notice right now, try to stay in this present moment, how long do you make it before something pulls you out? Only when you believe you have nothing left to lose, can you do it.

 As long as the idea that "I got it going on" is there, being in the present is boring or irritating, as long as you have something else to do you can't be here, in reality, the truth is, there is no room for you here, you are not welcome, take your shit elsewhere. And you sense this.
 You won't stay where you are not welcome, who or what will you blame for this?

 This is no place for the spiritually advanced, there is nothing here to be fixed or commented on, or changed, or altered, nothing here for you to do, no entertainment, no pleasure, and no audience, and before you get in, it will be very uncomfortable for a while. How long depends on you.
 It will depend on your willingness to endure the discomfort, to see your fear and cowardliness exposed, your neediness dangled in front of your face, to being found out, as the fraud you believe you are, all the little dishonesties will be exposed, you will have nothing to hide your self in or behind, all that will be taken. Any volunteers? It is the last resort. Conditions will push you to it. Unbearable Conditions. You will hate them. Your last thought will probably be "fuck it".

 The only reason you don't surrender is that you can't, you can't do this, the understanding of this will bring about the conditions needed for surrender.

 Pretending you don't understand won't help, pretending never does. But Hey, your life is good, right? Forget you even read this and maybe it won't have to happen. Good Luck there.


1 comment:

  1. This makes me smile from inside, caught "myself" doing it. Going thru some of that right now.
