Saturday, February 4, 2012

Renaming God


                     Renaming God

  I was lying in bed looking at a discussion I had with a friend where I became aggressive. I later apologized, but it happened. How could I have done better? Wasn't the way I was seeing things the problem? I was reacting to the way I saw them. For example if I believed I saw God in everyone my reactions would show that.

  All of a sudden I got an inspired idea, what if I renamed God "Fred". How would that work?
I mean I could say I don't think I'm Fred, but Fred is me. Besides that I know that deep down inside Fred is there, I have no doubt about that. I know that Fred is always with me, always has been, through the good times and bad.

  I can know that Fred inspired this idea in me, Fred is the inspiration for all my ideas, Who else could it be?

  He is always seeing me, knows all my thoughts, all my motives, I can't lie to Fred.

  Its real easy to talk to Fred he is always there, he never judges me or condemns me, always gives me another chance, so far.

  So the the real test will be can I see Fred in you, can I treat you as Fred wants me to treat myself, And I know that Fred wants me to be happy, joyous, and free. He wants the best for me and if he is in you he wants the best for you.

  I guess there is nothing wrong with the word God, but is so damn impersonal, so kinda churchy, so full of changing meanings. I have to wonder most of the time if he is here, but I can always feel Fred's presence, Fred even told me when I asked him, can I call you Fred, sure no problem, he doesn't get hung upon names, Wow, I really heard him speaking in my mind, hey, Fred is that you in there, yah, its me.

  I even got the sense that when I opened my eyes this morning, I was looking into the mind of Fred. Like everything I see is in Fred's mind, and all I'm really seeing is Fred everywhere, in all his different changing forms. He is like the background and containing everything, sights, sounds smells, taste, hot, cold, ideas thoughts, emotions, everything that can be conceived, is conceived in the mind of Fred. Even me and you, and its all being shared at no cost or obligation, no strings attached, shit he is even sharing this knowledge with me.

  He told me when I am seeing him in all his forms I am in consciousness contact with him, and I am one of his forms, that comes and gos in him. If i'm real quiet and pay attention to what isn't coming and going I move closer to him, Wow he is this awareness that all this is happening in, Fred's awareness.

  He is always available right here right now, actually that is the only time he "is". What a mind blower, Fred is always right here right now, that is the only reality, everything else is imagination, Fred's imagination, shit I always knew that, thanks for reminding me Fred, "thats what I'm here for".  

1 comment:

  1. Omg. Excellent. Beautiful. Yes. Very evident. Very clear!!!
