Thursday, February 9, 2012

One day at a Time is practice for Now

  We believe reality is all we perceive, a reality laid out before us and for us, when in truth all that is perceived is only pointing to what is.

  When the mind is turned toward its source now, what is called existence is coming into being, not as mind sees, observing apparent pre-existing "things", But as only now, only now.

  This source is known to itself as I, there is only one I, source of mind, not mind

  There is no pre-existing present moment.

  Mind comes after.

  Before the present moment nothing exists.

  There is no pre-existing source.

  There is no place where all is coming from.

  There is no place where all is going to.

  There is no place to move forward to.

  There is no position to fall back on.

  This alone is

  Now the only real question is "where do I fit in"

  Do you see the illusion now? 0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1...


  1. Where do we fit in? I have no idea why anything is here. I have no idea what we are doing here. How something sprang out of nothing is a mystery. Where it came from, where it's going seems to be the unanswerable question doesn't it?

  2. Nothing and something are mind stuff only, without the concept nothing or something, whats there?
