Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Reality of my very Own

   A Reality of My Very Own!  (where the fuck does the imagination leave off?)

   I is a False Center

 Center is a concept, pointing to everything.
 False is a concept, pointing to nothing.
 I is a concept, pointing to this steady appearing everything, and to the perception of it, the source cannot be perceived, as it is also the perception, it cannot be understood, as it cannot be conceptualized. This concept can be understood. This can only be realized nonverbally.
 With the entrance of the one word this wholeness seems to begin dividing. One word creates something out of nothing, this is also a concept, but can be realized nonverbally.

  The one word seen as apart from the whole creates a world of separate objects, all perceived objects are perceived as separate, this is illusion. It is also a concept. all words strung together are concepts, an attempt by the mind (which is also a concept) to put the world back together, this must fail, as the concept that the world is separate is false.

 Based on this false premise any attempt to create structure leads to chaos, and the minds attempt to conceptually restore the whole.

  Nothing can be done to correct this, it can only be seen and left alone.

  Starting from the point of view of chaos and looking for peace or wholeness is not possible.
  Starting from wholeness is the solution. A me cannot exist in wholeness, any peace it finds will be conceptional conditional peace, only temporary. This is not peace but only relief, there is no permanent relief, except from the self, which can be seen to be a concept, can only seem to have existence as a concept, out side of the concept of me or self it has no existence, in the whole.
  If the idea, me or self did not exist, what would that be like? Try to imagine.

  Until a personal understanding of reality is gained and applied, the only hope is temporary relief, the seeing of this leads to despair.

  This despair, is to be welcomed as it leads to disillusionment. To try to gain an understanding of god or spirit is delusional, without an understanding of YOUR own reality to base it on.

  Effort is needed to gain a personal understanding of reality, the effort is towards relaxing.
  Toward seeing the self evident. No concepts are needed to be. The repeated use of concepts is a habit, they give a feeling of some thing to do next, an artificial purpose, the purpose of getting to the next thing.
 A sense of liveness is temporarily experienced, but it fades, it is conditional, the condition is getting to the next thing.
 When you do nothing you are nothing, when you abandon conceptual thinking you are not a thing "without thought I'm nothing" Yes, But without thought you are everything.

  All of this is conceptual, it will remain that way until you make the effort to come up with your own unshakable concept of reality, so you say it will still be a concept, yes until you take the action of doing it , action is not a concept, a slap is not conceptual it is action.

  This does not take intellect, a child has an understanding, nonverbally of reality, so does an animal.
 Intellect works against you until you make the effort, then it works for you.
 You are not trying to come up with some thing new, you are trying to see what is already there, no intellect is required. If it is your own understanding it was already there, if it wasn't already there you can disregard it.

Questioning this without trying it leaves you where you are at now, Is this good news?

  You will know you found it when the weight comes off, Aha, then you can begin from reality, your own, to see what appears to get in the way. A pin sticking you does not require a concept to understand.
 You cannot think your way into a new way of living, you act your way into a new way of seeing, This new way is really not new, but it is, it is based on your own understanding. No more Baa.

  For example, this is just pointing, it is still a concept, "What is reality? Could it be what really is? What is? This, whatever this is, right here right now is. If it is not right here right now it isn't.

  This can be a starting point, or find your own, actually any word can be used. The word started this, it will pull you out if you make the effort, reading this will not help, doing it will.

  Keep going back to that point where you came into existence, "What are you saying you have no knowledge of the biggest event in your life?" "How can this be?" Could my coming into existence be a concept? Remember sunrise and sunset are concepts, but you see them, the earth revolves.

 What is reality? finding your own concept is totally doable. Lets find out, "just where the fuck does your imagination leave off?"      

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